Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Jen Morriss “‘Other Grandparents’ Essay”

This essay starts off with a bit of exposition, explaining about her daughter’s “other grandparents” who constantly bring bags and bags of useless things they found at rummage sales. Jen’s descriptions of the individual items are hilarious. I love the line: “It was like 1987 exploded on my kitchen table” (1). The essay is filled with little humorous details, which I think make it a fun essay.

Although I think this is excellent material for an essay, I am wondering if we get a bit too much of the same thing over and over again. I was laughing out loud at the start of the essay, but as it went on, I felt like it started to drag. Maybe what we need is a little break in the sarcastic exposition—or possibly a little bit of a distraction from being directly inside the author’s head. There is the one scene, where the grandparents bring over the bag filled with overalls, that could be grounded in more action rather than having it consist almost entirely inside the author’s head. Technically, this is already a scene, but it lacks the feeling of slowing down time like we talked about in class. More dialogue might help keep the reader interested in seeing what is going on, and help fight an aspect of predictability. I would also love to see a more descriptive title, since there is so much detail in this essay.

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