Sunday, January 28, 2007

"Cold Saturday Thinking" by Meg Yeary

I think it’s interesting to talk about the beauty and originality of language in the form of a poem. I also really enjoy the title, “Cold Saturday Thinking,” because it puts the reader into the frame of mind to be open to what we hear. I know what cold Saturday thinking is for me, I understand what it’s like to just sit and be pensive; therefore I am interested to hear about what it means for someone else. Because the poem is very clear and explicit in meaning, I think it might be interesting to play with the shape of the poem on the page. One thing I noticed was the line in the third stanza which says simply, only, “a piece of art.” Because of this line, I think the writer has permission (from herself) to be visually creative with this piece. I’m thinking something very e. e. cummings.

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